Monday, July 27, 2009

Pudding Drop

Luckily I was able to go to FHE this week because I miraculously didn’t have work. This is what college students to when they have free time: it’s called pudding drop. The point of this game is to drop spoon fulls of pudding off a balcony to the people laying on their backs below. They try to catch it in their mouth, but end up mission 90% of the time, as indicated by the pictures. It is something that I would almost suggest for our family reunion. Lots of fun.


  1. I have to ask- is that you? If so- why do you have red hair? I could seriously see the boys getting into this. I think that the "girls" should be able to do the dropping, because if I know my husband- he isn't even going to TRY to get it into my mouth. Even better, can you see Brooke doing this to Brant? Priceless.

  2. no, that wasn't me, I messed up on adding pictures, now you should see one that has me. Wow that was a quick response! you must just hover over your computer all day!

  3. I miss college!!! I loved doing fun things like this although we never really got to this level of craziness. Enjoy it while it lasts Brian cause you'll never get back to it.

  4. that worries me. . . maybe I don't want to get married

  5. There are much funner things to do with pudding when you are married . . . like paint murals.

  6. Who says you can't go back to it? Marrige won't slow you down, and kids will only cause a speed bump!
