Thursday, July 16, 2009

Dynamite Smile

I remembered this song from Napoleon Dynamite and it made me smile. Hope it makes you smile too.


  1. That is one show that I can HONESLY say that I haven't watched all of. We made it through maybe 45 minutes and then had to turn it off. I have very few brain cells and it was killing the last few that I had. *sigh* I missed out on the Napolean Dynamite train!

  2. I watch it now and am slightly repulsed. But, I did just hear Weezer "Only in Dreams" on NPR, a pleasant surprise.

  3. I am not ashamed to admit I liked the movie, and still like it. . . even though I haven't seen it in probably three years. Indeed the song made me smile. How do you post songs?

  4. Go to and build a playlist. Then, you can embed it using instructions on the site. It is basically just pasting html. It is fun, though.

  5. Tommy Boy with Chris Farley- now THAT is classicly stupid and hillarious!

  6. I have to be in the right mood for Napolean. It can be funny sometimes. Does anyone have any funny clean ones that they have seen recently?

  7. funny AND clean? impossible. I watched click the other day, which was funny, but I still wasn't happy with it's cheap and crude jokes. good moral, but I don't think it makes up for the contradictory degrading tones. So there, I didn't give you a movie to watch, but one more you don't have to.

  8. Recent Movies? Hmmmm...
    We did just watch "The Princess Bride". I have to say- that is always a great classic, and well worthe the rewatching!

  9. When UP comes out on DVD you DEFINITLY will need to buy that one. :) lol I'm such a nerd and love kid movies but that one is so very good. I've been impressed over the last few years with some of the kid movies that have come out they are very good and entertaining for at least me :) lol Jeff bought me A Bug's Life and Treasure Planet and Flubber he he. Some other good ones.
