Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Knowing (Or Maybe Not)

Brian will have to counter this post, because he told us he likes this movie.

I have decided that I am not a big fan of violence. Burning bodies, bloody fingers, creepy little girls with deep set eyes: Not for me. I have a difficult time seeing those types of things and really enjoying it.

It did not help that I didn't understand the premise of the entire show. What is the point of strange men who enter childrens' bedrooms to show them visions of the end of the world, trying to save them by guiding them through cryptic matrices revealed in the 1950s to said deep-set-eye-girl and passed (luckily) to an MIT math wizard in 2009?

Pretty convenient. Maybe they thought, "We only want the children of really smart MIT professors to create our next world, so we are going to create countless universes with countless inhabited worlds and place our predictive puzzles in time capsules in order to weed out all the dead-beat dads who can't figure out our sweet number game."

Maybe, but that seems like a stretch. Oh, and in the end, the numbers didn't actually do anything for anybody: The Children were going to be saved no matter what. So really all the puzzle did was give Nicholas Cage indigestion for a few more hours than everyone else.

Ah . . . I love criticism. Back to my old ways.

Oh, and Hayley wants me to warn you that the film is near the top of the creepy spectrum, so watch out (you can thank said deep-set-eye girl for that one, too).


  1. Well, when you employ logic, things certainly seem less exciting don't they? I must say I really didn't think itno it that deeply.
    I liked the movie for two reasons,first, I thought the scenes of highest intesnity were done very very well. Perhapse burning bodies were violient, but you have to admit the plane crash scene was extremely lifelike, which made it extremely intense, but also cinematically valuable.It almost worries me that I think that way because it means that I have lost some of my mission innoscence. I'll ponder over whether or not I need to change.

    The second reason I enjoyed the movie was the twist at the end. I like being surprised. The biggest criticism I've heard is how realistic the movie is up till the last scene where the twist comes. Most think the twist was so unrealistic that it ruined the movie. As for me and my house, I can still enjoy unrealistic twists because I feel it adds variety to the movie and stretches the immagination.

    In the end, I still say it is a movie I enjoyed, and would recommend seeing, but not if you are going to pay lots of money to see it in theatre. Redbox it some weekend.

  2. I watched this movie just last night and enjoyed it because of the intensity. But Jeff wasnt as interested in the movie, it took him a very long time to actually get into it. He said it was very slow, and was kinda slow, but I think that they kept the suspense very well and I enjoyed it.

  3. BUT.... I have to agree that this is not the best movie ever... and I didnt quite understand the whole men thing with the children... Makes sense that they were aliens and stuff... but still..... just not what I thought ... and yeah anyways. it was okay.

  4. Lucinda scared the crap out of me.

  5. Good to know all of this- it's a movie I will rent for Blair on a night when I want to read my book! "I am Legend" was one of those freak me out movies that I ended up watching, and still can't figure out why I wasted 2.5 hours of my life. I know that lots of poeple liked it, but not me. Greg- what's your take on "I am Legend", Have you seen it yet Brian? Blair liked it, but thought the ending was to dumb. This is Just me- taking of on a Tagent- (can you picture me as a school teacher? TAGENT CITY!)

  6. I think "I Am Legend" had a really neat premise, but the CGI zombies were too much for me. They looked so fake and bizarre that I couldn't get really into the movie.

    Plus, there was so much action and so little about the story. It would have been fun to know more about the mutations, immunities, Zionist community, etc.

  7. Percy Weasley (Greg)July 9, 2009 at 11:34 AM

    OOOOH OOOH! I almost forgot to mention how excited we are for the new Harry Potter movie! In order not to post three consecutive movie posts, I will beg the question here:

    Do you watch Harry Potter? And if so, what is your favorite of the films thus far?

    I like the first one. It was exciting to see all the magical parts of the book come to life.

  8. OOOH_ Harry Potter! Just so everyone knows- I am famous- I made the wizarding news website last week. HONEST- quoted by name. Bet that impresses you, the old fart of the siblings!

    So yes, we are excited. I don't know that I have a favorite, but I have a least favorite- the last one. They took too much license with the movie, and left too much out. It was pretty disappointing. I am excited to see how they pull this one off, it has SO much in it that needs to happen for the next movies to make sense. Are you going to the midnight showing?

  9. I must first comment on "I am Legend" I've found in my circle of friends, I don't watch enough movies, so I rarely get to comment, but here, I have two in a row I've seen. Happy day. I thought it was a great movie, very good premise. I agree with Greg, I would have enjoyed more of the background behind it, perhapse there will be a prequal some day. I didn't mind the animation. Yes, it wasn't grand, but details don't generally ruin movies for me. The one thing I don't understand is why he had to sacrifice himself at the end. The other two were perfectly safe in hiding with the on the inside till morning, then why not him? I suppose they wanted the emotion factor at the end. Either way, I enjoyed it quite a bit. Oh, and for the Record, Jen, it's only 100 minutes long, about an hour and a half, not two and a half.
    As for Hairy Potter, I'm so far behind the game because of my mission I'm affraid I'll never catch up.

  10. What is the Wizard News website?! I am so jealous! #5 was the worst of the Harry Potter movies, in my opinion. But I can't wait for #6!!!
    I hated "I am Legend." The dog scene was awful.
    And I can totally picture Jenn as a teacher! You would ROCK!!!
    Brian- Have you read book 7 yet?

  11. I actually liked I am legend but I agree that the ending was weird. I'm kind of morbid but I like end of the world type movies. I think that they're interesting. Like War of the Worlds. Totally not possible, but still a very interesting movie. As for Harry Potter, I liked the first one and then they went down hill after that. If they would have stuck with the same director on all of them it might have turned out different. Plus I really don't like the new Dumbledor. I loved the books though. Nothing can beat them.

  12. I hate the new Dumbledore! He is too serious! Dumbledore is suppose to be bubbly. "War of the Worlds" was a really good movie, I think. I thought the ending was hard to get the first time around, though. Or maybe I am just slow...

  13. I am Legend did have did have some positive points, I just think that for me it was 'too real'. I know that was the point, but I could see somthing like that happening someday. Maybe not to that extent- but really, what is up with cloning humans, etc? Science is a little out of control and although it's important, I wish more people had a little bit of more persepective. I am a TOTAL end of the worlder though, I am avid about my food storage, and I usually have clothes for my kids for the next year "just in case" and I am saving old school books and paper so when I have to live in my house because the zombies are coming, I can teach my children and keep them entertained. I am slightly over board....

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I'm coming to your house when the world ends Jen.

  16. Me too!!! lol Party at Jen's when the world ends!!! But I have to say I actually enjoyed I am Legend, have to agree with Hayley that the dog scene was super sad and I cried for a while when I saw that. Oh man just would be terrible to go through with that! But have to agree.... the end of the movie kinda ruined the movie.

    Oh I love Harry Potter!!! I've loved the books more, but I love the movies. Yes they've left out a lot of important things and events from the books, but I think they did a pretty good job. Have to agree that the first Dumbledore was the best character for Harry Potter... but they did what they had to for replacing the man who passed away...

    Wow i jabber on too much sorry guys. But anyways I'm SUPER EXCITED TO SEE THE MOVIE!!! My department is giving us free tickets to go see it since we did such a good job these past few months in stopping fraud and having extreme low rates. So I'm super happy cuz I get to see it a few days after my birthday! Wahoo! :o)

  17. In answer to Hayley's question. . . a million posts ago despite the fact it was written just yesterday, no, I have not read the book yet. I am having difficulty prioritizing my time so I have time to read anything but the scriptures, I'll have to change that.

  18. Brian thats really not a bad thing though, really its not. A good book now and again, but if you think about how much people will read a different book, such as harry potter and really get into it, vs reading the scriptures and only reading a chapter, or couple of pages. I'll have to admit, I'm guilty of that. So, just saying thats not a bad thing :o)

  19. It's really true, when you climb into bed at midnight, after watching a long movie and you are so tired you can't focus on your scriptures. I commend you, Brian. Thanks for the example.

  20. Thanks for being a good example Brian. I know I'm guilty of not putting the things of the Lord first and foremost in my life. I'm trying to though and I feel a difference in my life when I do. I'm so glad I have such great brothers. You are all great examples to me.
