Sunday, September 20, 2009

Things you can type with one hand

Stupid post- but it's late and I have no one to share my amazing discovery with- so as my family you are subject to my whimsical posts. I just wanted to share with you that i can type my log in- "jpiippo" with one hand. And that when I am doing work for Blair I only have to use my left hand to type staff 100 times into the appropriate boxes. HA! Anyone else no of any magical words that don't require a two handed effort.

I told you at the start it was pointless- hello- I am blonde ya know!! :)


  1. Googled it: Aftercataracts

  2. Seriously, you googled that. Who knew that you could coogle pointless stuff like that! What eles??

  3. Random.....
    I can type almost all of my username: debatebean It's the N that kills me
    I also googled it and found
    it's two or three letters short of Greg's but really, is Aftercataracts really a word?
    Ha! after searching, I've found it now
    is actually longer.
