Monday, September 21, 2009

Dear Mr. President...

Greg and Jen, you two just have to much time on your hands. I on the other hand woke up this morning at 3:00 and couldn't sleep. I wondered what in the world I could do to make my concerns for this country heard (knowing of corse that I'm just a dot and will not be heard). So I began to compose this letter in my head. By 4:00 knew I would never get to sleep so I got up and went to the computer. I hope each of you will do something, anything, to let your feelings be known. Write your own letter, use parts or all of mine, go to Town Hall meetings, just do something so when and if things go South, you will know you've tried. You can get all the addresses to elected offices by googling "Government addresses" . It's very easy, so GET INVOLVED! Love to you all, Mom

Dear Mr. President ( or Speaker of the House or Senator or Law Maker),
I am just one person. Just a dot in the crowds on the streets of New York or Los Angeles. One of the millions across our great and wonderful country. But, just like every one of these millions, I have a heart, a soul, and a desire for a good life for me, my children, and my children’s children. I fear God, but have faith in His love and protection of a righteous nation.
I know He was there at the forming of our Constitution. Each of those brave authors felt His strong presence there as well, as they crafted a government so strong that, coupled with a good and righteous people, it would stand forever, blessing the lives of those lucky enough to be under it’s perfect construction.
But, for the first time I, like millions of others, am truly afraid. Suddenly we see the Constitution treated like a warped piece of clay, to be fashioned into a government by a few for the benefit of a power hungry few. It feels wrong and evil.
Our Federal government was constructed not to bail out banks or auto makers, not to decide our health care, community control or wind it’s long fingers into our everyday lives. Fingers that feel to be covert until a time comes they can grasp and pull our liberties out from underneath us. Our Federal government is simply to protect us from foreign invasion and promote a healthy commerce between states.
It feel as if I’m looking at an ant hill. A few ants coming and going, but what’s inside? What is happening in our government we can’t see? What controls and softly defined contingencies are being crafted, hidden in the thousands of written pages our respectable law makers don’t even have time, or maybe don’t take the time to read and understand before they are signed and enacted to law?
I feel a stick, wielded by a conniving few, is hovering over that ant hill, waiting to be thrust in and stirred about. Then, I fear, we will see what a pandemonium is inside. Then we will see the carefully orchestrated mass of twisting events where we will have no control over our own lives.
Make no mistake, there are millions of us who will find our hearts and courage. We will stand and fight for our rights, liberties, families, and our God. I pray that will never come about.
Please, please, help turn this government back to what our Heavenly Father intended for us, a safe, protected, Christian nation. One that is kind but steadfast, not one who pulls away from others we have committed to defend. A Great nation, to strong for others to take lightly. Let your words to the world be positive to the might and goodness of our United States of America. Please Stand for the Right. Sincerely,


  1. I E-Mail my senators and rep's 1-2 x's a month- I am one of those fruit loops. My senator's aren't having "town halls"- they are gathering public opinion in "other ways" (who knows what they are, their office won't tell us). And the illustrious Max Baucas that just presented his plan is ....MONTANA"S- aren't I proud? I'm with you mom, I write and make my wishes known, I try to work on the local level like the boys suggested, but I still don't think that it makes a difference. I'm with you though, if I don't speak up then I am not able to complain about anything.

    If you're up at 4:30- give me a call- that is our usual wake up time. Better yet, I'll give you Dane and you can rock him for me~

  2. Jen, you have no idea how much I'd love that... it's absoultly true, enjoy it while you can. Even if it seems very hard sometimes. Mom

  3. I do e-mail my senators/congressman occasionally (most recently about the stimulus bill). I have found a website (you could Google it) that has online petitions about various topics. I signed one about the Government attempting to buy student loans. There were actually a large number of petitioners. Still, it didn't work: The Gov. just sent me a letter saying they bought some of my loans this year.

  4. That is one I have slacked on- I guess. What's wrong w/ the goverment owning my loan...maybe they'll forgive it. Okay, I don't like our DC people incuring more debt, but there has to be more to it then that- do you mind filling me in?

  5. Oh, and Mom, you are a good writer.

  6. Indeed, mom, you are a good writer. Well crafted letter. (I work in a writing lab now, so basically I'm an expert. . . j/k)
    The political world is all very interesting. I'm learing in my political science class that the world is not so polarized as it appears in the news. If you poll average Americans, we are all more closely related in our beliefs and political ideas than I think we realize. I think the conflict that comes in our nation, and will continue to come, is and will be more of an artificial war of words against a foe that doesn't exist in reality as much as it does in our minds. Satan is certainly trying to stir up the hearts of men, but perhapse without us realizing there is nothing to be stirred up about.
    That said, I agree with you, mom, and I think healthy debate is good. I think it is good to get involved and write your senators, president, congressmen, etc. I also feel that much of the heat we feel recently in politics is simply people getting more angry than what circumstances warrant. Satan will try to stir us to anger long before he will succeed in overthrowing a nation with corrupt politicians.
