Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Hill's Wall of Fame

This is going to be a short post but I just started something really fun and I thought I'd pass the idea along. On my mission we taped a paper to the wall and we'd write down all of the funny things that happened to us. Well, I've started to do that with the funny things that my kids say and the important things that happen so that I don't forget.
For example, the other day Emma came up to me and said "Mom!! My toots. They sound like elephants!!" It was hilarious. And Jaxson. Last night I put a spoonful of vegetables on his plate (he never eats them though) and immediately he said "OH MAAAAAN!!" It was so funny.
I want my kids to be able to look back and remember their childhood. Now if I can just make sure that it's a happy one. If you do end up doing this I hope that you have fun with it.


  1. Just like us in college. We don't do it in my appartment, but There are many many people in my ward who do the same. Most of the time it is a quote board in the kitchen. It makes for great discussions when new people come to the appartment. Some of my favorites include "strike three, you're gay!" or "I know why the caged bird sings, it's because it likes being in a cage."

  2. I love this idea. Our entire list would be the word "A-choo!"

  3. :) haha I used to have a notebook back in high school where me and my best friend wrote down all our quotes or things we've said/done. One of them, we were in our earth science class, and I put my head down on the table, kinda tired. When I lifted my head, Wesley ( a good friend of ours) yelled out Soil! and laughed. Everyone looked at me and they laughed too. I didnt understand what they were laughing about but But they explained that some how I had soil written on my forehead. Not sure how it happended, we looked everywhere on that table to see if something was written backwards.. but nothing was there. lol so yeah... one of the few hilarious inside jokes I remember. Even telling this is not as funny as it was when it happened. I guess you have to be there to understand. I love this blog, it really makes my day. thank you so much for including me on all of this. I've learned so much about the family and I really love it. :o)

  4. Sounds like a great idea. I keep thinking that I am going to get 4 calendars up on my wall so I can do a mini-joournal for each of my kids... Maybe next year? I did it for their first year (POOOOOR DANE, not his!) and loved going back to look at things, but they just aren't changing as much when they're older. Although now, I guess I could calendar their social lives.

  5. I love those quotes Brian and your story Cailey!!! They just made my day start out even better. I should be good like you Jen and do calendars but that takes way to much effort. I did for Emma but she was the only one. AHHH I'm a rotten mom!!! At least my kids know that I love them. I hope.

  6. Not good, I still haven't done it- I just want to! HA!

  7. Alisha, is Jaxon's fetish with the toilet bowl one of those funny events?

  8. ha ha, haven't heard of such a thing, but it makes me laught. Does this mean he's potty trainned? or does he just like stare at what he created?
