Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I can't thank you all enough for the kind attentions that have filled my heart and lifted my spirits. The flowers, books, letters from my precious grandchildren, art supplies (I drew a bunny yesterday), candy, blankies, cuddlie things are all so appreciated. Now maybe you all think it just might be worth the pain, think again and beware of everything you Dr. perscribes. I am going to go through yuck for a month then another month before the natural seratonen kicks in and we see just how bad my pain really is. After that, who knows. But there is a goal in sight and I'm working each day for a better life for myself and those around me. Know I am trying very hard, it's just the hardest thing I've ever done, even beyond raising seven wonderful children. Keep me in your prayers please and know how much I love you. I want to send proper thank you notes to all. Just don't know when I'll feel up to it. Sorry for the lack of grandchildren Vanentine's Day packages. I'll miss it more than they will. Love you all so much, Mom


  1. :o) We love you Momma Julie! Your always in our prayers daily.

  2. We are praying for you mom!! We love you!! I know that you are a strong lady and will get through this. Thanks for being an example of perserverance to me and my children and to future generations. Maybe you should write your experience down as you go through it and share what helped you do it. It may help someone in the future. I love you mom. Thanks for being so wonderful!!
