Monday, February 14, 2011

Dishwashing Detergent


I just learned that dish washing detergent doesn't necessarily sanitize your dishes, but just aids in removing crap from them.

So, if I rinse my dishes and have a sanitizing button on my dishwasher, why on earth would I ever use detergent again? Please, someone convince me.

Oh, and if you are interested in the ingredients in your detergent, click HERE


  1. ok, I have a beef with detergent. They are all crap. There is only one I can use that actually works and doesn't leave residue all over my dishes. The Cascade 2-in one power pacs. They are so expensive too. I always use a hi temp setting on my dishwasher.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Let's try this again...without spelling errors!

    I don't know if I can change your mind, because after reading it I am not sure what i think either. BUT I know that we wash our hands with soap to kill the germs. It doesn't necessarily "sanitize" them, but it does clean and get rid of germs. I will probably still use soap, no matter how obnoxious it is, just "because".

  4. I asked my friend who worked for the public health department and has her degree in this kind of stuff...
    and she says your 100% right, and that if you want rinse your dishes before the cycle then you're just as well off! She said that she's heard of people who might add a little bit of clorox to an emptly cycle to clean out their dishwasher too. SO- now the questions is, do we keep buying detergent? I have to admit that my kids help do dishes, and I am sure that they don't get rinsed well enough to not have it... but when we run out it means I won't stress about having to rush out and buy more!

    Thanks guys for some interesting observations!

  5. Is it the hand soap that kills the germs or the friction of rubbing your hands together that kills the germs.

  6. The killing of ALL germs is just as bad because our bodies need to build defences against these little buggers. If we live in a steril world, then when a REALLY bad bug comes along, we will be defencless. So do your best and don't worry about the rest!! Loves Mom

  7. YEA! Mom is up and on the computer!
