Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Family Reunion Food Assignments

Hello All!

Here are the assignments for the meals/snacks/desserts for the family reunion.  If the meal/other you were assigned to doesn't work, just leave a comment.  We will try to make everyone happy.  Thanks!!!!

Friday Dinner: Greg and Hayley
Saturday Breakfast: Mike and Liz
Saturday Lunch: Adam and Stephani
Saturday Dinner: Blair and Jenny
Sunday Breakfast: Josh and Alisha
Snacks: Jeff and Cailey
Dessert: Lee and Julie

Hope this works for everybody!!



  1. Is ther person in charge of the meal also providing drinks to go with it?

  2. Works for us, but I do feel bad about doing breakfast this year again. Dinners are always more involved than breakfast so if you did dinner last year and don't want to do it again let me know and we can switch. If that's ok with you Greg.
