Sunday, May 11, 2014

Family Reunion Colors

Hello Bean Family!

Greg has informed me that he had a conversation with a few of you about the colors for the family pictures and that I should probably elaborate.  I found this random family on Pinterest, and I loved how all the colors popped:

You'll notice that most of the colors are generic colors, with the exception of the mustard yellow and eggplant purple.  I was hoping with the colors being: white, navy blue, and jean we could add a splash of pop with the mustard yellow and eggplant.  Obviously, I understand that many of you do not own eggplant or mustard, but I am hoping that is where the navy, white, and jean come in.  There will be enough of us in the yellow and purple that it should all blend nicely.  Please don't feel like you have to buy the mustard and eggplant colors.  Between all the colors, I hope we can have a fun picture!  Thanks!!!!


  1. Yes!!! I actually have that EXACT color scheme in nice outfit for pictures!

  2. Thanks for the clarification....and with the mention of levi we now realize that pants are not optional, they are required. ;)

  3. Hayley, I think I already told you this, but this is probably my new favorite color scheme of all time. You rock!

  4. This is super cute! I get to go shopping! Yay!
