Tuesday, May 28, 2013

My (late as always) Review.

Okay- I have thought long and hard about what to review.  Maybe some of you can sympathize, but there isn't much in life that is full of excitement.  I don't get out into the world a lot, and since Mike already took the toilet paper review, I was left with few choices.  I do have to say that the toilet paper review maybe needed a bit more detail though, like which kind of toilet paper is least likely to clog up a toilet, or how much of a roll can go in before the water backs up to over flowing.  THEN he could have reviewed paper towels ability to clean up dirty toilet.

So instead I am reviewing my favorite cooking magazine.

Yes, I can hear the shocked silence.

I can cook.  I just don't enjoy fixing LONG drawn out meals where someone has to slave away in the kitchen for 6 hours, only to be rewarded with the meal being eaten in 6 minutes (or bites depending on the person). 

Simple and Delicious is the BEST magazine for quick dinner recipes (think 20-30 minutes from start to on the table) and they are made of ingredients that not only can I SPELL, but I will often have around the house.  No more recipes where you have to buy a jar of spices that you'll use ONCE for that particular recipe and then never use it again. 

I also hate trying to decide WHAT to cook, and this magazine has helped solve that problem.  At the first of the month I grab two of my magazines.  I thumb through while taking notes- one side of the paper I write down the page number and recipe title.  *** if it has fresh veggies so I know that it needs to be one of the first recipe's used.   On the back side of the paper I keep a running list of what groceries I need to buy that month.  I divide my shopping list into category columns to make shopping faster.  I can usually come up with 25-30 meals, plus a few side dishes and desserts.  These live on my counter behind the flour/sugar canisters for easy dinner access.  This has helped make it so I go "big" grocery shopping only once a month, with a quick in and out once a week for milk and bread or other small staples.  Our food bill has stayed lower, I am happier because I know what to cook, and my kids/hubby are eating a great variety of meals.

The End


  1. Nice review! I also meal-plan and use those plans to form my grocery lists, though I grocery shop twice a month. I LOVE to cook, and I LOVE trying new recipes. I find most of them online, but I've found a lot that have cited Simple and Delicious as the original source! They are always delish (and simple!).

  2. I absolutely LOVED this review! I am going to go order a subscription today! Everything you said about cooking, I was nodding in agreement. I always wished that cooking was my passion, but until that happens, I am picking up Simple and Delicious! Thank you! -Hayley

  3. Ahh- thanks guys for making me NOT feel like a lousy reviewer! LOVE YOU GUYS!

  4. I soooooooooo need easy meals and things to do, or else I dont do any dinner meals (I know bad we sometimes live off of burritos and frozen meals which arent so great for ya). And as of late I've been wanting to actually cook, not live off frozen/boxed meals. So this is pretty awesome, I am always up for suggestions and meals. I know what i really need to do is to make up a meal calendar and either have certain days with planned meals or genre like Italian day, Chinese day slow cooker day.... something - Someone told me about that and was a pretty good idea. The hard thing is that I'm just not that organized, and not very well planned out, especially with grocery shopping.. I guess I'll need to be better at that. I just kinda buy what sounds good and what we sorta need then I don't really have everything that is needed for a meal so I'll generally will have to go out and get things. So that is totally my own fault, I'll need to change that.

    Ya know what we should do?!! Start sharing easy recipes to one another!!! I would love to have a Bean Recipe Book or something! Thank you for this, I am gonna have to pick up a copy!!! :D thank you Jen!!!
