Friday, March 26, 2010

Lesson in Biology

Following is a conversation that Brant and I had the other day. It is where you will all be soon, so I thought I would share it with you. IF you blush easily, please disregard this post. It is strictly biology and anatomy...but still.

Setting: Mini-van driving to Boy Scouts
Characters: Mom (M) and Brant (B)

M: What are you reading back there Brant?
B: A book about snakes. Mom, look- it looks like there is a hot dog in the snake.
M: (driving, not looking back at the book) It might look like a hot dog, but it's probably a mouse or a rodent that he ate.
B: No, it really looks like a hot dog.
M: I know, but a snake wouldn't find a hot dog in the wild, that is just what his stomach looks like when it's bulging.
B: (slightly exasperated) NO- mom, this is a picture and it looks like he has hot dogs.
M: (finally at a light and glancing back, realizes that he is looking at a drawing of the inside of a snake). OH- I see. What do the labels say they are?
B: Re..Resp...Resieratory organs...
M: Respiratory Organs?
b: Yeah, what are those?
M: Lungs, things that help you breathe.
B: OH! The next one is Re...Repro...mmm..repprodooc
M: (Totally seeing where this is going, and wishing that she had insisted that Blair drive Brant to scouts today) Reproductive organs?
B: Yeah! What are they?
M: Reproductive organs mean Boy parts and Girl parts.
B: REALLY! You mean there are boy snakes and girl snakes?
M: Yep. We've talked that it takes a mom and dad to have a baby, so whether you are a snake or a human or any animal, it takes a boy and a girl.
B: What happens if you don't have a daddy and you have a baby?
M: Can't happen. Sometimes people might not be married, and that is a wrong choice, but it always takes a boy and a girl.
B: What about Mary?
M: (knowing we've already had this conversation and that there is no good answer for a kid his age) That is a very special occasion, and won't ever happen again. For everyone else it's a boy and a girl.
B: Okay. SO_ How do snakes mate?
M: (now REALLY wishing it were Blair here) I don't know Brant.

B: I bet it says somewhere in my book. Let's look it up!
M: Okay Brant, great idea (now wondering why she ever taught her child to read, and why would we teach him to research and ask questions. Silently praying it's not in the book).

B: Here it is. I'll read it out loud to you- (thanks Brant :() "The male boa constrictor gently wraps himself around the female boa. He carefully places his sperm inside of her where it will fertilize her eggs which she will lay in her nest."
Silence blankets the car....several very long seconds pass....
M: Cool Brant, Thanks! you have any questions?
B: Yeah, there were some words I don't know and I have lots of questions, but I don't think that I want to ask them right now.
M: Okay. So, what else is in that book....
End Scene


  1. That story is so funny even the second time around. Hey this looks like an outline for a play. Maybe your family could do a skit or something. It could be called Piippo's Private Moments. Ha Ha Ha. Yeah, I am laughing at myself.

  2. I love it Steph!!! Although I will tell you that this story makes me a little apprehensive about having older kids. I think you handled it great Jen!! Thanks for making my afternoon so much better!!!

  3. I remember when I got the talk. I made the mistake of asking mom what a sperm whale was. Little did i know that the ensuing talk would be full of charts and drawings depicting everything I would ever care to know and much I didn't. You are lucky the spirit told him he didn't want to know yet. Seriousely lucky.

  4. Brian: That is hilarious, because I had a similar experience with mom. Older siblings had just finished an argument and one said, "Period!" as in, "End of discussion!" I asked mom, "What does period mean?" She then explained just what a period was, in female terms. Hand-drawn diagrams were utilized.

  5. I seriously can't stop laughing. REALLY. The phone just rang and I answered it in a full out laugh- the poor lady! What wonderful memories we all have, and how funny that it's something I have never heard (really, I thought I knew everything). It has been interesting watching how we have small talks on regular basis w/ the two older kids and each talk gets them a little more info. Use my kids as the sciece project. If this doesn't work- go back to diagrams and jump ship! Can't wait to hear how it goes in your world...sometimes it stinks being the oldest.

    Hey, Mike's getting married soon, wonder if any of those drawings and diagrams are floating around the house...maybe he needs a quick refresher? HEHE

  6. From Blair:
    The conversation w/ my dad went something like this:

    Hey Blair, we need to talk about Sex.
    So I replied back to my dad- What do you want to know.

    That kind of ended it for a while.

  7. Hey, I thought I was the only one who got hand drawn diagrams and all this time I thought I was just lucky. Can't believe Mom was brave enough to give an art lesson to the boys. Anyhow, glad it was discussed at home and the right way.

  8. Blair, you are the man!! and apparently Brant got those genes too. Good luck Jen. AAHahahahhahhhahhahaha AAAhahahahhahahaahhhahah. Josh

  9. Wow! now that I know everyone else got the diagrams, I feel a kind of closeness to my siblings I've never had before. Sharing such an . . . enlightenning experience in the same way with you all just warms my heart.

  10. Loved it after Steph got the talk and she, thinking of her siblings, said "You mean you did it six times????????".

  11. OH MY GOSH i LOVE THIS FAMILY! You guys are so funny! I've been laughing for the past half hr. I cant stop giggling. I know this was a while ago, I've been behind on this but I love you all. :o) Oh boy!
