Wednesday, March 3, 2010

An Important Teaching Moment

I taught a very important lesson on Sunday. I just pray I got the message across. I need to share it with you all. We have a stewardship in rearing our children. A stewardship we will stand before Jesus and give a personal accounting of. We need to constantly teach our children the gospel, how to be faithful and very importantly, how to feel the spirit, when they are touched.

"Our aim must be for them to become truly converted to the restored gospel of Jesus Christ while they are with us." Some may want their children to make their own choices, but when you consider the hours of day they are vigorously exposed to Satan's multimedia advocates of sin and selfishness we cannot take a chance. "They should not have to learn by sad experience that "wickedness never was happiness" "Each must be persuaded that service and sacrifice for the well-being of others are far superior to making one's own comfort and possessions the highest priority."

I'm so very proud of you all because your doing a great job. Just keep it up and stay vigilant. Have fun with your children. Just spending time with them will provide all sorts of teaching moments. But if your not there, there won't be those moments. I'm so sorry for the times I wasn't what I should of been, the times I let you down. Please forgive me. I did a lot wrong, but I could never, never love you, each of you, more.

Please use this blog and tell us how you teach your children. Turn this tool into something good. I love you and I love your kids. I promise you will get your life back someday. (But really, it's not that great!) Mom


  1. I was at a Young Women's recognition award last night where they awarded 15 girls. They all spoke. Every one had such a testimony far beyond what I had at that age. I tried to imagine my 3 girls years ahead speaking at their recognition night. I realized that they will never get there if I don't start paying attention to teaching them gospel principles at home and being more vigilant in scripture study, family prayer, and family night. I want so much for my girls to earn this award. The testimonies of our youth are truly amazing and are worthy of all the blessings of the Lord. I want that for my children too.

  2. It really takes a lot more effort than I thought it would to teach our children. It's tough.

  3. I don't want my life back- i like being a mom. I'll probably be adopting kids until I'm 80! I've discovered that the age of 8 is pivitol. The really acn learn so much while they are little, and they want to hear what you think. We've also found that while they are eating is the perfect time to do scripture study. They HAVE to sit there, and they actually listen and stay awake. It's trying to be part of our breakfast routine.
