Saturday, November 14, 2009

Welcome to Jarbridge Nevada, just a couple of hours drive through the Owyee Canyon and the Humbolt National forest. A one way dirt street where the townsfolk drive 4-wheelers and occupy their time watering the road down to limit the dust then hit the town hall for their weekly square dancing. Truly a time warp where the last stagecoach robbery in the United States happened.
The Outdoor Inn is their restaurant where they serve homemade icecream. The town hall has public restrooms with showeres for those who may not have one in thier home. This is a picture of a classic house with mining facilities. And the last picture is thier school. Adam went to the old gas station with the one old pump to get a soda and found himself in someones living rooom with a cooler full of old soda. Wow!!
The town was all hustle and bustle that day because they were having an event that Iam sure has never happend their before, a wedding. They shut the park down and everything. People were racing back and forth from the town hall ( a big barn) and the park ( a small area with a wooden swing set) with floweres and the townsfolk were wearing their best jeans and boots.

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