Thursday, November 19, 2009

I Propose a Sarah Week

Last Christmas, Sarah learned how to play Wii Tennis. However, she couldn't get good enough to get past the first opponent. Still she would play. Every time a new game would begin, she would explaim in a exasperated, yet somehow still bright, tone, "Oh man! Not this guy again!" It was hilarious.


  1. Sarah is the perfect miniture copy of steph, I think. She's love and sweet, wants to help everyone, extra thoughtful of her siblings, and should be wearing a drama crown on occasion. I know that my kids LOVE playing with her, and Alex will actually listen to her (which she doesn't do for just anybody!) I will never forget the first time we saw her after after she'd been in Alaksa for a year. She didn't want to have anything to do with anybody. I was so sad! I can't tell you how glad I am now that we're buds, she gives amazing hugs! We love you Sarah!

  2. I can't tell you how special Sarah is to me. I remember flying into Alaska when she was born and meeting her for the first time in the hospital. Her Mom and I traded midnight feedings when they came home. What a sweet experience to hold a newborn in your arms and care for them in the dark silent of the night. It creates a bond to last into the eternities. I'm so privileged to have the forever family that I do. Mom

  3. First time I met Sarah she was pretty shy but she's really warmed up. She is so adorable and so sweet and kind. I think I have a picture of her and the girls playing dress-up princesses when we were all at the Cabin two or so years ago.
