Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Any one seen this show?  When I first heard about it I thought it sounded weird but when I actually sat down and started watching it I found out how fantastic it is.  It is a relatively clean show that is very entertaining.  So go try it out.   The first season is on Netflix. Just beware that once you start it's hard to stop.


  1. Does it involve male vampires with shiny chests?

  2. Found it to be too much for the kids as it is on pretty early in the evening. They are still awake.

  3. HA HA Mike. It's actually really good though it does sound dumb. It is one that is better if you watch it from the beginning which is why I'd go to netflix.

  4. My in-laws looove it. I may have to go back and watch ;)

  5. I loooove this show! The second season is just as good as the first, I think!

  6. My sister and parents watch it, and they really enjoy it. We don't have Netflix, so it's probably not one we'll check out soon, but I'm sure one day!

  7. Maybe find it online? I've gone back and caught up on past seasons shows that way. We don't have net flix either. Someone do a review on it, cuz so far I just don't see the point...

  8. I'm right there with you, but then we don't even have basic cable, so maybe we're weirdos. If someone wants to present a very convincing case for Netflix for Mike and me and Jen, go for it!

  9. When you have a baby and are up all night I will make a convincing case for not only cable, but for a DVR- so you can record shows that are worth watching rather then the garbage on at 2:17 A.M.

  10. Haha, when my brother was a baby my mom would watch tv in the middle of the night when she was up with him, but all that was on in Europe at that time of night was American Football. So even though she's one of the least sporty people I know, she knows EVERYTHING about football.

  11. That's hilarious, your dad must be so proud of her. When Brant was a baby all I could find was info-mercials, and then I would find myself nodding off to sleep while feeding him. So thankful when Dane was born that we had the DVR! Blair thought I was crazy, now he is so proud of himself for "coming up with such a good idea of getting it".

  12. I LOVED that show!!!! ah I cant wait to see the second season on Netflix!!!
