Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Biggest Loser, Bean Style

So Josh and I came up with an idea that we think would be a lot of fun and in the long run improve the quality of living for all of us. Recently there have been a few of us who are wanting to change our lifestyle and become more healthy people and yes loose a little bit of weight in the process. So we were thinking how fun it would be to have a contest in our family to see who can loose the biggest percentage of weight in a certain amount of time. Now, for you lucky, lucky people who don't need to loose weight don't worry you will be included in this as well. I was thinking that maybe during the family reunion we could hold the first ever Bean family endurance games, or whatever we want to call them. During these games we'll have races and other games to test endurance and strength. This way the skinny ones will still have something to work toward. So here's the clincher. In order to make it worth it for any of us to get off our bottoms and make a change there needs to be some money involved as a prize. Preferably a good size amount. If we want to do this would you all be willing to contribute to the pot for the winner. If so what is a good amount for everyone to contribute. I need input on this and I need to know if you'd even want to do something like this. And please, if you don't want to do it, just say so. You're not going to hurt anyone's feelings. I will be making this change even if we don't do this. It would just be fun to have everyone's support and some one to hold me accountable to help me on this journey. I love you guys!! No one could ask for a better family than you!!


  1. Fabulous! Nothing like a wad of cash to get us motivated! Greg and I will put in whatever is deemed enough money. :) Question: How will we determin a winner? Since everybody has different amounts they have to lose? This will be so much fun! Oh, and when will the contest end?

  2. % of total body weight? BMI?
    I am in...

  3. Jeff and I have been trying to eat healthier and loose some weight, so this should be good motivation for the two of us! We are in :o)

  4. Can I play the opposite way? If I gain a greater percentage than you loose I win?
    I'm really joking. I don't think I can stand to loose enough weight to be competitive, and even if I could, I might be too lazy to participate.Still a great idea though, Lish.

  5. Ya, I dont need to loose much weight, but... I really need to be healthier than what I have been past several years. I've noticed that I dont have as much energy, and well I'd love to be able to go on a hike with out having to stop every few mins for a breather, or even up and down our own stairs!!!! haha. So maybe with something like this, a family game/support, I think it would be super fun to do! So... when does this start? like now, or when we come all together for the fam reunion? :o)

  6. and... if I comment a lot today... its cuz i'm kinda bored ... :o)

  7. I like the idea, but Mike and I lack the funds to contribute. We will definitely participate in a supportive capacity though!

  8. Dooooon't make me run. If I lose any weight I will have to buy new belts and people will think I am sick. I do need to be healthier though and to exercise way more. This sounds fun.

  9. I was thinking that if all of us put in 20-25 dollars that leaves us with a pot of 80-100 dollars as a prize for each game. Or what do you guys think would be good? Cailey and Brian and Steph, I know that you guys don't need to loose weight, that's why I made it a two part thing have games that you can participate in to win some money as well. Mike and Liz, don't worry if you don't have the funds. We'd still like for you to participate if you want to. This is supposed to be fun as well as beneficial.

  10. OK, we just need to hear from mom and dad to find out if they're in and then we can start laying down the rules. I was thinking that we need to set a starting and ending date. On the starting date those who want to loose wight need to weigh ourselves. Make sure its on a scale that you will have access to in August because your going to need to weigh yourself on it again before the family reunion to make sure its accurate. I think the only rule we need for this game is that you can't take diet pills, like any of us would any way. For those of you who don't need to loose weight; here's and idea of what I was thinking about for the games. Yes steph, there will be running, it sucks but it's so good for you. There will also be well I need some ideas so help please!!

  11. Liz and I were thinking and we recognized the need for judges and babysitters during any competitive endeavors that take place during the family reunion. We graciously volunteer for those positions.

  12. This twenty dollars to participate is an investment. I can actually double or triple my money so I will be winning a lot of games.

  13. Dad is determined to loos weight so I'm sure he's in. I'm at the lowest I've been in 25 years but I'm physically shot. I'll try to get in shape and see what the weight does. Dad and I will kick in $50, how about that? But everyone has to really try to get healthier, OK?
