Monday, March 21, 2011

Right or wrong

Ok, so I have a question.  The last couple of shopping trips Avery has wanted a fruit snack from the box I put in the cart of a juice box from the box I put in the cart.  I give them to her fully intending to buy the item of course.  It makes my shopping trips less noisy and she stays in the cart.  I can pack things for her in the diaper bag but of course, she sees what I am putting in the cart and wants that one.  It's spoiling her I know, but that's beside the point.  Is it right or wrong?  It seems ok to me, but when my older ones see this and say " you are using that before paying for it?  Isn't that wrong?"  Makes me wonder.


  1. Everyone does this once in a while. My mom used to give us stuff while she was shopping as well, and sometimes you just get hungry and need to have a little snack to get you through the rest of grocery shopping! Of course I draw the line at munching on pay-by-the-pound foods, because that would affect the price at the register. Also I imagine it would be a little more complicated with children who are still learning about right and wrong. But I've never seen anything wrong with it. After all, we always use things before paying for them - cars, homes, anything we buy with credit. But that may not be something you want to teach your kids about just yet!

  2. We do it- but only occasionally. Esepcially since we have the same problem with the older kids pointing out that it's wrong. I have finally found that we go straight to the snack isle, choose a couple of boxes and then go pay for them first...THEN we finish the shopping trip. All the while I am doing a running mommy monologue about how we are doing this to be honest. It does take a couple extra minutes, but maybe it will sink in to Dane's baby brain and it also helps Alex to see why it's "okay". I agree that the pay by the pound food -it's is a definite no for our family, too. But as our kids get older, will they know that if we don't teach them?

  3. I agree with what has been said. As far as a Target perpective and if it's right or wrong, stores really don't care. If the product is eventually paid for the store couldn't care less if you eat it before. We get people who come through all the time with half empty sodas or sandwich wrappers and we just ring them up. I concur, of course, with the pay-by-the-pound stuff, but I think we all do with that. I think it's no biggie. An frankly the people at the store probably thank you. If fruit snacks help keep a kid quiet, it's definitely worth it.

  4. Thanks for that perspective Mike. I was actually wondering what a store's perspective would be and was thinking about calling a manager to see.
