Sunday, March 27, 2011

Posting Pictures Online

I know, I am a paranoid parent. I am sure that many of you think that I am crazy when I ask that my kids aren't tagged on social sites. But now I am even a little more paranoid. We are having a family council tonight (again) about stranger safety, but we're also now including the line "we don't want your friends posting pics of you online". If one of my tech savvy siblings can make me feel less worried, I would welcome it. For now though- I am hating the web.


  1. I don't think you're paranoid at all. My dad has worked in communications and technology for 30 years, and so he's seen the development of all this stuff, and if I learned anything from him, it was to be safe online. I don't have kids now, so I'm not as concerned at the moment, but I've still always been a little wary of this stuff too. My passwords for all my accounts are different, and are all just comprised of random numbers and letters. I feel uncomfortable just having someone stand behind me while I'm on the computer or swiping my card at the grocery store. I don't think you can stress the importance of online safety enough, especially to kids. When I have kids I'll be making my blog private and making sure their social network settings are set to private as well. I say way to be aware of this kind of thing, Jen!

  2. YIKES!!!! I had no idea!! It honestly makes me not want to ever get an i-phone!!! I would like to hope that if someone found a picture of my kids that they would just admire it and move on but we live in a crazy world and there are alot of sickos out there. I think in situations like this, it's better to be safe than sorry. Thanks for the heads up Jen!!

  3. We were in a store at the mall when some teenagers were doing a picture scavenger hunt with their phones. They asked if they could take a picture of us and I looked at them and said no. They were taken aback that I would be so unwilling and they didn't know what to say. I didn't care though. Never let anyone take a picture of you or your kids for any reason with a phone. I don't think it's just the I-Phone Either. You never know what they will do with it. Even if it's your neighbor and they post a birthday party picture with your kid on it on their blog.

  4. I don't think you should be as worried about people stalking your child online as opposed to someone stalking your child in real life. Your child goes to the park, to the store, to school, everyday. Don't you think a stalker is more likely to notice a child in the park and take action at that point. I think that it would be the rare sex criminal that roots areound facebook looking for good looking children and then looking at the metatags on their pictures to find thime. The majority of sex crimes are likely committed by someone the cdhild knows, anyhow, so the creeps are already among you. I think that it is all media scarage. What you should be aware of is chat rooms and e-mails where creeps could communicate with your child directly.

  5. I agree with Greg totally. While it is scary the info you can get from a phone pic and I still think you should never post a picture from an I-phone, it's your backyard and school and friends and sadly even your church you have to be extremely vigilant about. I am a frenzied mom when it comes to this. My kids are extremely protected. The perpetrator is someone you already know. Soooo who can you trust?
