Saturday, August 7, 2010


I just want everyone to know that we can't wait to see you in a week! My kids are beside themselves with excitement, and it is starting to feel like Christmas! I love all of the fun traditions- bingo, mellow-wars, water slide, candy guess...candy fight, mike losing teeth. Ahh, such good memories! Thanks for being an awesome family, and aside from missing Greg and Haylee, we can't wait to see everyone.

It is amazing how much the babies will have changed!


  1. You had to put that picture in didn't you. I can just see your little smile, and laugh as you think about my face and reaction while you're posting this.

  2. :o) I'm UBER excited!!! I seriously cannot wait!!! Hopefully this week will go buy some what fast just so it can be friday morning!!!

  3. Additionally, please, let's all attempt to avoid Brian or I getting injured. My teeth simply cannot take any more family reunion trauma. Though I'm glad someone got a picture of our hour long search for my tooth half which has long since become lawn fertilizer. And thank again to everyone who helped look! Especially Adam who stayed out so long when it was just him, I, and Dad with the lawn mower!

  4. Ahhh, the tooth. What I wouldn't give for a picture of Brian jumping into the ceiling fan.

  5. What is it with Mike's teeth and family reunions? Remember that year in Yellow Stone mom and dad had to take him in for and abscessed tooth? I remember Brian hitting the fan. Any other tragedies?

  6. Not tradgedy, but I remember Jeff getting hit right in the middle of his forehead w/ a jaw breaker. It left a huge red welt- sad, but we laughed!

  7. haha Was that when we were all throwing candy at each other in the basement? I have pictures of that, and I think they all had blow darts/paint ball things that Jeff and I think Mike were going around outside shooting each other with. Jeff got welts from that. haha.

  8. Actually it was at the cabin. Jeff was hiding by the stairs on the upper level. I don't know if it was dad or Blair that hit him, but he was an good sport. Espeically since we did family pictures right after that and you could still see the welt!

  9. LOl thats hiliarious!!! I love our family events.
