Friday, May 28, 2010

Is it possible to still be friends with someone even after their child has got into your kitty litter box and eaten sand. Yes, we're sure it was just sand, as we had recently cleaned it out and I know there was only "one mess" in the, and it was still there. Still... I don't know if I can ever invite her over again....


  1. Maybe if your cat poo didn't look like tootsie rolls, it wouldn't be so tempting to eat . . .

  2. Gross!!! I think it would depend a lot on the mom's reaction to what happened. Obviously it's not your fault. Just give him a little cat food instead next time he comes over. Mike liked it.

  3. That's gross. I don't think I can get on this blog again until that picture is removed :{

  4. lol thats prett dang funny. I've always wanted to make it but didnt think anyone would eat it if I did

  5. I am going to make a big one for Mike's reception in IF. Mike, if you're reading this- I am just kididng... if you aren't reading this, well then- better watch out!

    really, i am kidding, but wouldn't that be soooo funny!
