Monday, May 10, 2010

Cracks me Up....and reminds me of the boys

I like to look at Craigs List- it's like garage sales from my computer. Today I ran across the following post:

I had to read all the way through it, just because he made me laugh so hard! I could truly imagine any of my brothers writing this- and I want to bake the guy some cookies just for making my day.


  1. Oh man!! That guy is hilarious!!! I only wish that he would have put a picture of himself on it to see what he looks like. Jen, buy something and then you can tell us whether he is charming weird or just plain weird.

  2. This is so weird. One of our brothers has a long lost twin out there. Alisha had a good idea. Go buy something and then report. Reading his page made me miss my brothers and appreciate their personalities and humor.

  3. Jeff wants to know which brother your referring to? :o) I wish I could have read this post
