Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I propose a (belated) Alisha day

Happy birthday Alisha! We Love you!


  1. I know that I wished you a repeated happy birthday, but nothing is more sad then a blog post w/ no comments. Happy B-day you ole fart!

  2. Let's see, how old are you. Oh ya 29. Happy B day again.

  3. Hi Lisha! You should feel special that I'm commenting on your post, becasue I rarely get on anymore, but I wanted to say I LOVE YOU! I love you because you are a good example to me of how to raise a familiy. I see a lot of things you do with your kids and think to myself, "I want to make sure I do that with my family some day." I love how you sing church songs as a family each night before you go to bed. It also stands out to me that you bear testimony to your kids. Thanks for being a good mom and a good sister. You are the best.

  4. Grandma or Mom says...
    Oh Lishee, I love you so much and that love grows each time I see you. You have been a joy to us your whole life. You have so many qualities and such a great testimony. I love how you have such a good time playing with your kids. You ARE the GREATEST!! Mom
