Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Last night for FHE we were learning about prayer. We talked about things we were thankful for, then went on to talk about things that we could bless in our prayers. The obvious things were named, our food, our family, bless that someone we know could feel better, etc. I wanted to bring the concerns of others to my kids mind, so I told them about the earthquake in Haiti. We talked about how there are a lot of primary babies that don't have homes anymore- some of them don't have a mom or a dad any more either. We listened to the news and heard a little 6 year old girl say that she hadn't eaten in 5 days. After counting back we realized that was last Thursday! My kids learned the lesson well and decided that they wanted to pack up all of the snacks in the kitchen to send to them, along with a bunch of clothes and toys. We talked about all the things the church is doing, and brainstormed ways to collect at their school for the orphans (can you tell that we went really off task at this point?). Brooke decided to take it a step further. "Mom, we need to adopt a couple of orphans from Haiti," she informs me. CHEERS ALL AROUND. I tried to explain to them that we don't have enough room, and it costs lots of money, and it's not as easy as they think. Simple faith of Brooke prevailed every discussion. "We need to adopt at least two, because there are going to be brothers and sisters who need to stay together, and not everyone will want to adopt two. Heavenly Father will make sure we have all that we need. AND I can share my room with another sister." This is a huge thing for Brooke, since she has been telling us that when she turns 12 she really needs her own room. I pointed out that she would have to share a room for the rest of her life and she promptly replies that she didn't care, we needed to do this. It's interesting how thoughtful kids can be. Don't be surprised if someday we show up with a couple more kids!


  1. It is amazing the wisdom and spirit that the children feel. To them all things are possible. Brook is one that is alwasy going to feel the Spirit.

  2. If you do adpot an orphan, we will help where we can. Grandma
