Friday, February 22, 2013

No more recommendations?

I for one am sad that the recommendations have stopped. Anyone else share this sentiment?


  1. You know what that means . . . It means those that want to leave recommendations can do it whenever they want now! No schedule necessary!

  2. Aw I share that sentiment. And I liked the schedule!

  3. I am sorry that I am one of the offenders that did no offer recommendations. As you know, I am not one that visits the blog often and my schedule is such that do not take the time as I should to do so. Elder Clark from the First Quourum of the Seventy was here for stake conference a couple of weeks ago. One of the things that stuck out was that he said that we are not a church of excuses. It is up to us to fullfill the commitments that we have made. Therefore, I apologize for not honoring my commitment to do a recommendation. That being the case, I would recommend anyone living in Idaho Falls to stay inside today since we are experiencing a blizzard. It is the first time this season that I have seen the wind blow so hard when it is snowing. You all know what that can be like in Idaho. Well, at least those that have lived in Idaho for any length of time. I am thankful for a snowblower and would recommend a Toro electric ignition one to anyone who lives in snow bound country. They are a blessing in ones life. I would also recommend a snow shovel to get in those pesky areas that a snow blower will not go. Anyway, I am going to try to visit the blog more often and will try to interact better. Love you all. DAD

  4. I like the schedule, too, because it gives us all a little push when we need it and it was something to look forward to each week. I am certainly open to suggestions on how we can make a schedule work. Maybe just keep the current schedule, and if someone misses, no biggie?

  5. I love dad's recommendation, and I agree we should stick with the schedule... except that I am also one of the fails on that. ;) But I will try!
