Saturday, February 23, 2013

Belated Recommendation- an addition to Mike's previous post

I didn't comment on Mike's cold sore post- but I had a lot to say, so I am going to add it on here...  hope you don't mind mike that I am taking a page out of your book. 

I get cold sores...  EPIC cold sores.  Not just one, but a cluster of them that looks like I may have leprosy of the mouth.  It's gross and painful- but I am figuring it out.  What I have learned is that (of course) it's a virus, and as such it needs to stay at body temperature to flourish.   SO- as soon as you feel that tingle or itch of a cold sore, grab a piece of ice and freeze the bejiggers out of it.  It's miserable and cold, but do it for 20 minutes every hour and I can almost always keep it from erupting.  If it does come, then it's a quick heal and doesn't get as big.

Another thing that I do in combination is take L-Lysine and another lactobased pill that you get at the walmart pharmacy (non prescription, but because it's milk based it is refrigerated and you have to ask for it).  Don't ask the name, for some reason it magically eludes me tonight!  Lysine is an amino acid that represses the production of the amino acid arginine, which is required to reproduce the cold sore virus. 

Another "try" is mixing salt with toothpaste and putting it on the cold sore.  The toothpaste is just to hold it there, the salt is to dry the spot up.  Again, the virus needs a warm moist place to grow, so you're just working to remove some of these factors.

May not work for everyone, doesn't always work for me, but has def. helped.  Good Luck!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Good ideas, Sissy. My only addition will be once again reiterating that I too hate cold sores. They are the bane of any lip's existence.
