Saturday, February 23, 2013


Since the schedule faltered, I get to recommend whatever I want, whenever I want. Shobowza! Take that, schedule!

I know a few of us have iPhones, and this will apply only to them, but I found an app that is the doorway to all things free as far as apps go.


Download here (I think):

Each day, this app will list one or two free apps that you can download and maybe another at a steep discount.  It is helpful because the developer of the app works out deals with developers of other apps, so you actually get some pretty sweet deals on some pretty awesome apps that you wouldn't otherwise get.  I like that I have something new to look forward to every day.  And, since Apple keeps track of all your downloads, you can just download whatever is free, ditch it for now if you don't have time for it, then try it again later.

I have downloaded some terribly useful apps, like Plants v. Zombies.  You should download this app. It kills.


  1. Most excellent. I will definitely try it out. My difficulty is trying to find apps that won't make it so I waste time on it, but will actually prove useful. I have a bad habit of getting games that waste away my days....

  2. Also I found out that Plants Vs. Zombies is free right now. Most excellent!
