Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Jeffrey Lee Bean

I know that Jeff doesnt appreciate too much attention on his birthday. But I just wanted to take a moment and say how much I truely love him. He such a loving and caring man, and always makes me laugh and know's how to make me happy. I feel so comfortable around him. He has become my best friend, and I know that I am his best friend. He tells me I'm his princess, and I do feel like a princess when I am with him. A lot of people dont get to see the Jeff I know. He's got the most amazing personality, and I LOVE his eyes.

Happy Birthday Jeff!


    I am so glad that you put up a happy b-day post so we could all add to it. He really is a great guy, the kids love it when he is in a "playing" mood and I don't think that anyone is as giving and caring, he just does it in a really quiet manner. Thanks for being his wife!

    ANd sorry that we didn't get your birthday post up. Greg usually does it and all day I kept trying to remember to do it (dad even reminded me) but nothing stayins in my brain for long these days :(

  2. :) haha honestly, its okay, dont worry about it, i had a great birthday WEEK! Jeff was awesome to do that for me. We've all been soo busy, and I wanted to do a post on my own blog for Jeff... but I dont think he'd like it.. and well, he doesnt know... yet... that i've posted this. :D He deserves a blog post. and I forgot to call for Alex's birthday, her's was the 1st wasnt it?! :| thanks Jen.

  3. Jeffy! I don't know if you will actually read these, but if anything, at lease you'll know how much I love you! I remember Jeff for the great gifts he gives. He is very good at sneakily finding out what you want and giving it to you on your birthday/Christmas. He does not like attention, so he is very meek and humble about the gifts he gives as well. Thanks for being a good brother, Jeff! I love you!

  4. I'm still going to try to call but I wanted to make sure that you knew Jeff that I love you!! I really admire you and I think that you are a wonderful person!! To grow up with a naggy, bratty sister like me you'd have to be. Thank you for forgiving me for all the crappy things that I did to you. Thank you for your example Jeff. I hope that you have an amazing day!!

  5. Oh and Cailey, I'm sorry that I'm such a rotten sister-in-law!! I thought about you on your birthday (thanks dad for telling me about it) but I didn't know your cell phone number to call you during the day and I spaced it that night. I just hope you know that we love you!! I'm so glad that Jeff found such a wonderful person!! I hope that you had a fabulous day. I love ya Cailey!!

  6. Ooo- Brian you are so right! I remember a few years ago that Jeff had Blair and I for the Christmas gift exchange. We had just had Alex and were more broke then normal. He found out that my favorite resteraunt is Johnny Carino's and got me a gift certificate for there AND gave us a little cash to pay for a baby sitter. I actually saved it all year until my anniversary so we could go out. Thanks Jeff.

  7. Hope you had a good day. We love and miss you.
