Sunday, April 11, 2010


A conversation with Emily goes like this "Mom, I want a new butt".
I say "what"?
Again "mom I want a new butt".
I ask "a new butt"? By this time I am confused but she is totally serious.
She replies "yes, a big butt like yours". Then she walks away leaving me with my jaw on the floor.


  1. I am not sure that my comment posted buttt . . . see below for a visual of what Emily thinks Steph's butt looks like (not Sandra Bullocks). Sorry for the reality that you got "Momma's butt." Be careful what jeans you buy.

  2. I can't stop laughing. That is hilarious! I can't wait to have some of my own, perhapse it will humble me. :-)

  3. hahahahaha! Oh got to love Emily! Oh what funny kids!
