Monday, April 19, 2010

SNOW? Seriously?

I know, this probably isn't the place to put my rantings about the weather. And this has nothing to do with global warming, it is just the lament of a mother trying to keep her closets clean and her children warm! The last 3 days it's been in the mid 30's in the morning and 70's by the afternoon. Quite a challenge when you are getting kids off to school and you know for the first 2 recesses they are outside it's going to be in the 40's and quite cold, but by afternoon they are going to be shedding every layer and running around in short sleeves. By Wed. though, we're supposed to be in the 40's for our high's and Thursday they are telling us to expect snow. It's easier to dress my kids for school- just put their parka back on, but my poor closets! The kids are trying to pull out their shorts and short sleeve shirts, swim suits, etc. and yet I still have to have all of the winter stuff out. We now have summer and winter pj's bulging out of our drawers, and the kids closets look like I am trying to start a second hand store. I know- for half of you this is an incomprehensible problem, one you won't trouble yourself with for a while (if ever...but your WIVES will!). I just wanted to say...
Maybe living in VA isn't such a bad idea after all....


  1. My kids have so many clothes all over the place because I have to have two sets of seasonal wardrobes out. Last Saturday they went through two sets of clothes 1 winter and 1 summer and the 2 sets of pajamas. Oh ya, and 1 swimsuit. Boots, sandals, tennis shoes, flip flops, slippers, and dress up shoes are all over. 2 winter coats, 2 jackets, and a couple of sweaters take up all the hooks and get thrown all over the laundry room floor. I need it to get warm and stay there so I can pack up all the winter stuff and leave it there. I understand you completely. At least mine aren't packing up multiple sets of clothing to school yet.

  2. .....and....I am trying to figure out how to sneaky pack for our trip next week.

  3. :| haha yes, that is really frustrating! I agree... good luck with sneaky packing! ha-ha. I think it will be so much fun when they are suprised to see us. :D so excited. eek.

  4. You can barely walk around in my boys room because of the tubs out with clothes. The sad thing is that it's been that way since last week!! And here I am checking the blog instead of cleaning it. *sigh* I just want to be able to switch it all out and have it done but the weather is crazy up here to. Did you ever hear the theory about how the Koreans or someone have some sort of technology that can affect or control the weather? Supposedly it was them that caused hurrican Katrina. Bogus, I know, but there was a newscaster in Pocatello that swore by it. He ended up leaving the station, saying he wanted to study his theory out more, but I really wonder if he was just asked to leave. Who knows, maybe some little korean man is having fun torturing us.

  5. i think it's some butterfly in africa who flapped his wings a little too hard

  6. We are a pleasant 66 with sunshine . . . not that you cared

  7. Thanks. But actually, today we are supposed to be a balmy 74. I may come visit you the end of the week though. Has it warmed up completely in VA, or are you fluctuating like we are here?
