Saturday, January 5, 2013

Acne is gone

So, basically, after I had Avery my skin has slowly gotten worse and worse.  I just put up with it until the last couple of months.  It got so bad that I was even embarrassed with my own husband.  Not your normal acne.  Just spreads like crazy on my neck and jaw and some on my cheek bones.  TMI.  Anyway.  I made a goal for myself to clear it up in 6 months or go to the DR.  I know that some in our family struggle with it too.  So here is what I have done to make it much, much better.  No Dr. for me. I don't even use cover-up anymore:)  These products I have found work just as good as any other.  Believe me, I have tried them all over the last four years.

Night Time 
Step 1 ~ Wash with the hottest water your hands can stand.  I use regular soap.  Nothing with micro beads (it will scratch your skin) and nothing with moisturizers built in (that will clog pores).  Soap with Aloe is ok. I prefer it because it helps with the adverse affects of the Benzo.
Step 2 ~ Use a cotton pad and dampen it with Deep Cleaning Astringent that is 0.5% Salic Acid (that's an acne medication). Wipe your whole face and neck with multiple pads until they come clean.  Believe me you will be surprised at the dirt and oil that will come off your face with this.  Even after a good washing.
Step 3 ~ Spot treat trouble areas with 10% Benzoyl Peroxide (another acne medication).  Benzo will dry your face out like crazy and may burn it if you use it too much, but I have a cure for that too.

Morning Time
Step 1 ~ Wash with the hottest water your hands can stand using your regular soap.
Step 2 ~  Instead of moisturizer (before make-up for the girls), use hydrocortizone cream all over your face and neck.  I like the .88 cent bottle from Walmart.  It seems to be thicker and more moisturizing.  Make sure you rub it all in just like a lotion.  Pay particular attention to the places you put the Benzo on the night before. It will prevent the Benzo from drying out or burning your skin.  Wait until completely dry and then apply make-up.

Other Things:
Don't touch your face during the day
Change your pillowcase often
Wash your make- up applicators every couple of days

*It took about three weeks for my skin to be very clear, but I noticed a difference in just one week. 
Good luck.  Let me know if you try it.*


  1. Great advice! How did you come up with this? It also seems a lot cheaper than something like proactive.

  2. I had a friend in college who used a very similar regimen, and she swore by it, though I was skeptical. So it's nice to have another testimonial!

  3. I will pass this on to brooke. She was a problem area between her eye brows that is driving her nuts- thanks for the advice!

  4. Aunt Cherie has passed this along to her son and it is working like a miracle She wanted to post this on here but she it wouldn't let her. How do we change that? She follows you lives and loves you all. We are lucky to have someone so caring in our corner. Mom
