Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Good bye, dear friend.

You kept me warm at night through high school.
You stole my spot next to my wife in bed.
You touched me with your perfect memory of me after my mission.
You filled our nostrils with unbearable stench.
You provided constant yard-cleaning chores.
You made us smile with your desire to wrestle and play.
You amazed us with your incessant need to play fetch.
You warmed the hearts of my children.
You protected us from harm.
You loved unconditionally.
You, dear friend, will forever be missed.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm so sorry guys. It breaks my heart more than I thought possible. Daddy's heart is breaking also. Keep us in your prayers Friday Morning.

  3. I know I'm late on this, but is going to be really sad when we come up and not seeing him. He was a really sweet dog!
