Friday, September 16, 2011


2 days
16 jars of peach jam
6 jars of blackberry jam (TO DIE FOR!)
23 jars of chicken
21 quarts of peaches
A great week with help from Alisha...


  1. It was so worth it to come down just to be with you guys!! I only wish that I could have stayed longer!! Thanks for teaching me how to do it!!

  2. You didn't take any pictures of the jars? I am glad it was you and not me. Although I wouldn't mind tasting the blackberry jam. I hope you had fun.

  3. Mmmmmm . . . . chicken . . . in a can

  4. Yeah, I know- it sound gross. My friend did it and I said she was crazy...until she gave me a jar, and now I can't go back! I love that it is already cooked, doesn't make a mess, and it makes dinner prep fast and easy.
