Friday, October 2, 2009

Super Why

I really want to be Super Why for Halloween . . .

. . . but I can't afford a green spandex body suit . . .


  1. ha ha, I have no idea who super why is, but it looks great. Me and a few of my friends are thinking we are going to be the the Blue Man Group. We have yet to figure out how, but it'll be fun.

  2. nice!!!! that will be exciting. make sure you take pictures!!!

  3. Maybe a red body suit is cheaper, and then you could be spider man after you take a sharpie marker and draw lines all over it. I am sure that Hayley would like to see her super hot husband in a body suit!

  4. All I have to say is YIKES!!! and thank goodness you're poor.

  5. I wish I weren't poor. The evil sister in me has me looking for a green latex suit to "secretly" send you, because I would get a good laugh seeing you as super why. Meant in the most loving of ways.
