Friday, September 21, 2012

Mr Brothers Said....

That if I wanted to make a difference, then I should get involved in politics at the local level.  So I am.  I officially gave my first campaign speech last night... with 5 minutes notice that I was actually running.  Okay, Okay, so it's only the neighborhood HOA board, but I guess you could call me a "community organizer"  I figure a couple of years of this, maybe a year or so on the school board, then I am heading for the White House.  Hey, it could happen- sounds like plenty of experience to me!  :)


  1. That is so exciting! I am so proud of you! Let me know how we can help!!!!

  2. If ANYONE can do it YOU can!! (and I think you got just to much energy)

  3. :) That is awesome Jen! Way to go! Ya if we can help let us know!

  4. See, that's the kind of thing I only wish I had the guts to do. Nice job Sis. Maybe when I grow up I can be like you.

  5. Nice work Sissy Bean! They need someone like you to tell them how to cut their lawn and decorate their houses! (I don't know how strict your HOA is....) You'll do awesome. We need to chat about it sometime. On the phone.
