Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Bean bracket

Anyone desire to do a NCAA bracket competition?

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Reception in Idaho Falls

I thought you guys might like to see a few photos from the I.F. reception.  Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of the refreshment table.  Mom did an excellent job on everything though.  It was beautiful!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Schedule Change

Hi all,

I need to update you on the schedule for Tomorrow (Friday) and Saturday. Nobody really seemed to have plans for Friday afternoon, so I've talked to most of you and let you know that for anybody who wants to come from either family, we will be going bowling before dinner. There is a bowling alley close to Texas Road House called "Jack and Jill Bowling Lanes". It's located at 113 South 600 East, Lehi, UT 84043 Again nobody is obligated to attend, but everyone is welcome. I had also talked to most if not all of you about moving dinner up to 5:30 for those who can make it. SO, the Friday schedule now stands as amended:

  • 4:00- Bowling
  • 5:30- Dinner at Texas Road House
We are really excited to see all of you! Hope you all travel safe. 
Call me with questions.
